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Larry Medina <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 7 Sep 2005 14:40:54 -0700
text/plain (78 lines)
So, a few comments...

As I don't think one person can effectively develop either a Vision or 
Mission Statement, I'm not even going to try, but here's my thoughts as to 
what they SHOULD REPRESENT. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing that in either of 
what have been drafted.

I'd like to see the Vision reworked a bit... while I agree in principle how 
a Mission statement should support a Vision, and as one of the following 
sites recommends, a Vision should be a "... vivid description of the 
organization as it effectively carries out its operations"

I'm in agreement with John that the Mission Statement sounds a bit weak, as 
items one and 2 are essentially a repetition of each other. Mission 
statements in general are rather lofty, and are designed to state why you 
exist and what you hope to achieve.

While I see a need to draw a distinction between the RIM Profession and the 
Professionals in it, I don't see where there should be much of a difference 
for ARMA, especially in the Mission Statement. ARMA is a professional 
association whose mission should be to serve both, as there would be no 
profession if not for the professionals. 

From Webster:
*Profession (noun) 4 a* *:* a calling requiring specialized knowledge and 
often long and intensive academic preparation *b* *:* a principal calling, 
vocation, or employment *c* *:* the whole body of persons engaged in a 

The Values proposed seem basically valid, but number three reads more like a 
goal than a value. I'd like to see them stated more like:

Supporting our membership is our highest priority
Promotion of the RIM Profession, it's principles and practices
Advancement of the RIM Profession through strategic partnerships and 
Operating the Association in a completely open and transparent manner 

The goals should be designed to support achieving the mission. 

Goal one seems to be mis-stated, maybe something like: 

"Raise awareness regarding the RIM profession within the business and 
corporate communities."

For Goal two, I'd see a first step being "Evaluate the tools available to 
improve the skills of RIM Professionals" 

And for Goal three, I'd prefer to see "ESTABLISH an effective infrastructure 
and governance process to achieve strategic objectives", because I don't 
think one exists currently.

I'm having a bit of a problem with the "Radar Screen" still, however, I see 
a great value in separating the Association Issues from the Professional 
Issues, as the manner in which they will be resolved is completely 
different. The resources and means required to tackle the two sets of issues 
differ in part by the governance structure and in part by what policies need 
to be changed to accomplish them.

Need more time than I have right now to comment on these...

Larry Medina
Danville, CA
RIM Professional since 1972

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