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"Robert F. Williams" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 28 Oct 2005 11:56:31 -0500
text/plain (81 lines)
Fellow Members of the Records Management List,

I am pleased to announce the availability of the 2005 Cohasset ARMA
AIIM Electronic Records Management Survey - A Renewed Call to

The Executive Summary is available on both ARMA's ( and
AIIM's ( web sites.

The complete 65 page White Paper can be downloaded without charge at
Cohasset's MERresource portal:

This is the fourth data point for this bi-annual survey.
Accordingly, many interesting trends were now able to be identified.

The survey's conclusions are based on the data compiled from more
than 2000 respondents in 2005 and a total of more than 3600 in the
survey's three previous years - 1999, 2001 and 2002.

As co-author, I can share the survey's five major conclusions:

1.      Most organizations have serious operational problems
regarding the processes by which they manage electronic records, one
of their most important assets.  The findings of Cohasset's earlier
surveys continue to be verified in this regard.
 2.     Where Cohasset's first three surveys defined significant
ongoing problems, this year's results detail real progress for the
first time - which future survey will hopefully confirm was the
beginning of a "tuning tide."  This inaugural process must not
overshadow the current reality: major problems remain, they
constitute unacceptable risks and their resolution will require a
major ongoing commitment.
3.      Many of the findings are worse than they otherwise might be
because the business functions required to successfully manage
electronic records operate in an independent "silo" context.
Traditional communications barriers must be broken down and a
newfound understanding of the complimentary roles of all the
stakeholders must take their place.
4.      The number and magnitude of organizational and operational
problems reflected in the survey findings collectively create
stunning business risks.  Senior management must consider these
risks unacceptable to have and untenable to continue.
5.      Electronic records issues should be the focus of immediate
corrective action, and the integration of electronic records into
the organization's records management program should be a priority.

The White Paper, I believe,  makes a compelling case for senior
management to support major new levels of commitments in bettering
the way electronic records are managed, not just on a short term
project basis, but on a long term process basis.

I encourage members of the Records Management List to download, read
and share this White Paper.  I trust you will find it informative
and beneficial.

I want to thank ARMA International and AIIM International for again
co-sponsoring this survey.  I also want express my appreciation to
Iron Mountain for its support regarding graphical production of the
White Paper.


Robert F. Williams

Cohasset Associates, Inc.
3806 Lake Point Tower
505 North Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60611
T: (312) 527-1551
F: (312) 527-1552
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