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Don Saklad <[log in to unmask]>
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Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:45:29 -0500
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by Andy Updegrove 

   Andy Updegrove There are over 1,000,000 supported
   standards, with more being developed all the time. The
   Standards Blog examines how standards are developed,
   and their impact on business, society, the world, and
   the future. This site is hosted by Gesmer Updegrove
   LLP, a technology law firm based in Boston,
   Massachusetts, USA. GU is an internationally recognized
   leader in creating and representing the consortia that
   create and promote standards and open source software.
   The opinions expressed in the Standards Blog are those
   of Andy Updegrove alone, and not necessarily those of

An Interview with Mass. Supervisor of Public Records Alan

   Thursday, March 09 2006 @ 01:41 PM EST
   Views: 78
   OpenDocument When it comes to politics and technology,
   there are always (at least) two opinions. Today, I
   provide the full interview with Massachusetts
   Supervisor of Public Records Alan Cote, whose views on
   ODF differ substantially from those usually expressed
   in the Standards Blog
   Regular readers of this blog will know that I am an
   advocate of open standards in general, and of the
   OpenDocument Format (ODF) in particular. They will also
   know that while Massachusetts has endorsed ODF (and
   Adobe PDF) for saving Executive Agency documents, that
   decision has been contentious. By definition, if there
   is contention over a decision, there are (at least) two
   views on whether that decision is appropriate or not,
   and each view merits attention in order to move
   forward. That is the purpose of this blog entry.

   Parties in Opposition: Those that have questioned or
   oppose adoption of ODF in Massachusetts fall into four

     1. those vendors (most notably Microsoft) that have
     decided not to support ODF and several industry
     groups that include vendors in their membership that
     oppose ODF;

     2. Massachusetts officials in the office of
     Secretary of the Commonwealth William Francis Galvin
     who are displeased with the exercise of power by the
     Information Technology Division (ITD) in adopting
     standards for documents;

     3. Massachusetts legislators who are not yet
     convinced that adopting ODF is a wise move; and

     4. members of the community of the disabled that are
     concerned that office productivity applications that
     support ODF will not be as able to meet their needs
     as does Microsoft Office (together with existing
     accessibility tools from independent software

   Various individuals have become most associated with
   each of these positions. In the case of Microsoft, that
   person is Alan Yates, general manager of business
   strategy for Microsoft's Information Worker Group. In
   the case of Massachusetts legislators, Senator Marc R.
   Pacheco, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Post
   Audit and Oversight has been most visible and most
   often quoted in the press. Several individuals have
   been vocal on behalf of the community of the disabled,
   many of whom are employees of associations that work to
   protect the rights of the disabled.

   In the case of the office of the Secretary of the
   Commonwealth, Secretary Galvin has never (to my
   knowledge) been directly quoted on the topic of ODF,
   although it is known that he expressed "grave concerns"
   to the Romney administration over the adoption of ODF.
   Instead, the views of Secretary Galvin's office have
   often been communicated by Alan Cote, the Supervisor of
   Public Records in the Public Records Division of the
   Secretary's office. In that capacity, Alan Cote has
   frequently spoken to the press, as well as participated
   in various meetings and hearings, including the hearing
   held by Senator Pacheco on October 31, 2005.

   Last month, I spoke at length with Alan Cote, and
   reported on that conversation in a blog entry called
   The Other Side of the ODF Coin: an interview with Mass.
   Supervisor of Records Alan Cote. At that time, I noted
   that Alan had agreed to a written interview, and that
   interview is reproduced in full below, without editing.

   Issues: As you will see, the interview focused in part
   on process and authority, given that Secretary Galvin's
   office and Alan have voiced the opinion that the ITD
   did not have the authority to adopt version 3.5 of the
   Enterprise Technical Reference Model (ETRM) with the
   inclusion of the parts that mandate use of ODF.

   Alan is strongly of the opinion that the ITD did not
   have this power, while then Secretary of Finance and
   Administration Eric Kriss and former Massachusetts CIO
   Peter Quinn were just as forcefully of the opposite
   conviction. As a result, many of the individual
   conclusions and positions on the law expressed in this
   interview are different than those that would be taken
   by the ITD. The clearest statements of the ITD position
   may be found in two places: The first, and most
   concise, appears in the FAQ posted by the ITD on
   September 21, at the time that it announced the
   adoption of ETRM version 3.5. The second and much more
   detailed argument appears in a brief submitted by ITD
   General Counsel Linda Hamel, in response to a request
   by Senator Pacheco at the October hearing. Finally, for
   a full, chronological review of the events covered in
   this interview, see the Feature Article of the
   September 2005 issue of the Consortium Standards

   The Public Records Office and the Public Records
   Supervisor: Alan Cote became Supervisor of Records in
   February of 2002. In doing so, he became responsible
   under relevant law (Chapters 9 and 66 of the General
   Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) to, "take
   necessary measures to put the records of the
   commonwealth, counties, cities or towns in the custody
   and condition required by lawā_2?." Historically, this
   has meant assuming control of paper documents, and
   ensuring that they were stored in conditions under
   which they would remain stable and accessible. The
   office of the Supervisor of Records is also responsible
   for entertaining requests for access to public
   documents, and therefore for evaluating which records
   must be produced and which may be withheld.

   Appropriate to such a task, Alan Cote's academic
   credentials include a bachelor's degree in public
   administration and a law degree. But although his
   undergraduate studies also included a minor in computer
   science, he points out that his duties relate to
   implementing policy, not implementing technology.
   Instead, he relies "heavily on [the state's] various
   state CIOs, our state Archivist and his staff, other
   statesā¢?? chief record officers, the federal
   government record officers and representatives of
   industry when deciding on technology issues." The

   I. The Public Record Office

   CSB: Does your office have it's own IT staff, or does
   it rely on the ITD or another IT center?

   Cote: The office of the Secretary of State has its own
   CIO and an IT Staff.

   CSB When did your office first begin archiving
   documents electronically? 

   Cote: My office does not archive documents
   electronically. All records whether paper or electronic
   belong to the various agencies. As the agencies run out
   of storage space, they are allowed to request storage
   space from the Record Conservation Board (RCB). The
   Board then works closely with the State Records Center
   located at Columbia Pointe, to provide low cost storage
   options to all agencies as needed.

   CSB: Approximately how many documents are added to the
   archive each year? How many are deleted? 

   Cote: The Archive staff and the RCB review all records
   for archival quality as they are presented to the RCB
   for destruction. As you may know, every record has a
   specific lifespan. As the record reaches the end of its
   life, the agency presents that record to the RCB and
   asks for permission to destroy it. The destruction
   procedure is a widely accepted and integral component
   of proper record management. Before permission is
   granted to destroy the record, the members of the
   Archive staff review the record and if it is deemed to
   be historically significant, the record may be
   transferred to the Archives for permanent retention and

   CSB: What percentage and types of documents are kept

   Cote: The federal government estimates that it retains
   2% of all documents permanently. I would guess that we
   retain 5 ā¢?? 7% of all state records for more than 30
   years with only 3-5% being retained permanently. The
   majority of those are payroll and personnel records.

   CSB: Please describe briefly how documents are
   electronically archived now. 

   Cote: Electronic records transferred to the archives
   facility because they contain historically significant
   material are stored in many different media. Some are
   printed, some are captured through microfiche or
   microfilm and some are stored in multiple electronic
   formats to ensure readability in the future. We are
   always looking at new electronic formats for our
   electronic records. Dr. Warner and I constantly review
   archival science journals and working groups such as
   NARA and NAGARA to find information on trends and best
   practices. It is a fluid program that has worked well
   for some time now.

   CSB: Anything else I should have asked to get a flavor
   for what your office does that's relevant to this

   Cote: Actually, I donā¢??t know where to start to
   answer that question. The staff of this office, the
   archives facility and the state record center work
   diligently every single day to make sure that the
   records of our government are captured, maintained and
   preserved for posterity regardless of form or format.
   We have many dedicated employees who eat, sleep and
   breath record management and archive science. They may
   not all be technology gurus but they genuinely care
   about this issue and they work very hard and I think
   the Commonwealth has been served well thus far. 

   II. Relations with the ITD Questions

   CSB: When and how did you first learn that document
   format standards might be included in a new ITD policy?
   Cote: I believe that I first learned of the new
   document format inclusion during a summit in June 2005.
   I may have heard vague rumors before that but I am not
   sure exactly. News that an agency may be discussing a
   new document format would not have caused me any alarm
   because the RCB and I routinely allow agencies to adopt
   new document formats, as they deem necessary to perform
   their mission critical tasks. In other words, we have
   many agencies such as MassGIS that store their
   documents and data in a format that is different than
   say, DSS or DOR. As long as the format is well
   researched and reasons for adoption clearly explained
   to this office and the RCB, it is generally approved.

   CSB: What opportunities were you given to provide

   Cote: I believe I was asked to provide comment after
   the first version of the ETRM was published. The RCB
   has never been asked to review the ETRM or to provide

   CSB: At what point did you learn that the new policy
   would only apply to the Executive Agencies? 

   Cote: I knew immediately that this policy, if approved,
   would only effect the executive branch agencies as ITD
   does not have the authority to establish policy for any
   other branch of government or the municipalities.

   CSB: What do you believe should have been done

   Cote: Honestly, I donā¢??t know where to start to
   answer this question. I wish ITD had come to me and to
   the RCB in the beginning to explain the need for
   adopting a new format. As I mentioned before, I
   donā¢??t even know how many of the agencies under the
   executive branch can follow this policy since their
   agency may require alternate forms and formats. I
   donā¢??t know if anyone has looked at the financial
   aspects of adopting such a policy or if the policy is
   well researched and understood by ITD staff. I mean, is
   this providing good value to the taxpayers? How does it
   promote and improve interoperability if no one else in
   the state adopts this policy? There are so many
   questions that need answers and there was a process in
   place that was completely subverted.

   CSB: At Senator Pacheco's hearing, I recall your
   stating that you believed that the ITD had violated
   applicable law in promulgating the policy on its own.
   What laws do you believe the ITD violated, and was this
   also the conclusion of any state attorneys that support
   your office? 

   Cote: Section 17 of the Massachusetts Uniform
   Electronic Transactions Act (which I drafted with Linda
   Hamel of ITD) clearly states that ITD, the RCB and the
   Supervisor will work together in drafting and
   promulgating regulations concerning electronic records.
   ITD simply does not have the authority to adopt this
   policy on its own. 

   III. Format Questions

   CSB: What is your opinion of document formats like ODF?
   Do you think that they show promise and will be useful
   to you? 

   Cote: I think a great more work needs to be done to
   fully understand this very complex issue. I am not
   opposed to ODF and I think it does show promise as one
   of the formats our government should use to accomplish
   our goals of preserving records and serving the public.

   It is interesting to note that according to a recent
   article in the Wall Street Journal (Dec. 29, 2005), the
   federal government has recently awarded a six year,
   $308 million dollar project to Lockheed Martin Corp.
   concerning this very issue. Lockheed will use a
   ā_5?handful of widely accepted formatsā_2? such as HTML
   to save electronic records. Like the federal
   government, I donā¢??t think that adopting one format
   and drawing a line in the sand is the solution.
   Clearly, Massachusetts is not the only place dealing
   with electronic records issues. Understanding what has
   worked in other venues and learning from other
   peopleā¢??s experiences is very valuable and saves the
   Commonwealth money.

   CSB:Do you have any opinion about whether ODF or the
   Microsoft XML Reference Schema would serve you better? 

   Cote: I donā¢??t think choosing one over the other is
   the answer and I donā¢??t think we need to restrict
   ourselves to just one format. I believe that a
   statewide policy setting forth broad concepts of
   ā_5?opennessā_2? with a clear outline providing
   guidance for record creation, maintenance and
   preservation is the best choice. 

   IV. Next Steps Questions

   CSB: What do you think should happen next?

   Cote: I believe that there are too many commissions,
   advisory boards and task forces performing the same
   function. I strongly believe that the legislature needs
   to get behind the original, existing record management
   framework setup by statute, that is to say we need to
   strengthen the authority of the Record Conservation
   Board. I would like to see more agencies included in
   the RCB, especially the municipalities and the
   judiciary. I think we need a flexible but comprehensive
   records management plan for the Commonwealth
   concentrating on technology issues and true

   CSB:What do you expect will happen next now that Louis
   Gutierrez has taken over the CIO's job? 

   Cote: I am very encouraged by his appointment. I think
   he brings a great deal of talent and experience to the
   table and I look forward to working with him in a an
   open and cooperative manner to resolve this issue in a
   positive way.

   CSB:Any last thoughts? 

   Cote: I think it is important to understand that we are
   public servants first and foremost. That our actions
   should be guided always by what is best for our
   customer, the taxpayers.

   This is a huge issue, now and in the future. It will
   affect each and every citizen of the Commonwealth
   through his or her daily interactions with government.
   We owe it to them to properly research and implement
   this program openly and honestly, in the most
   transparent forum available and in a manner that
   instills confidence in our abilities and judgment.

   I want to thank you for the chance to answer these
   questions and I look forward to future conversations on
   this and many other important issues of the day.

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