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Vicki Walch <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 26 May 2006 12:44:41 -0500
text/plain (96 lines)
Posted on behalf of Susan McElrath, Chair, SAA Reference, Access, and
Outreach Section (please excuse cross postings)

A reminder...
   Archives Week/Month Survey response deadline: Friday, June 2.
   Archives Week/Month InfoExpo reservation deadline: Friday, June 16.

Archives Week/Month Survey:

If your region, state, locality, or organization participates in Archives
Week or Month, please take a few minutes to respond to this survey.  Just
click on to access the

Through the survey, we are seeking information on all Archives Week and
Month activities undertaken at all levels and by all kinds of organizations.
These include archival professional associations (national, state,
provincial, regional, local); state historical records advisory boards
(SHRABs); state and provincial archives; and other repositories or
institutions that coordinate or assist in coordinating Archives Week/Month
activities within their geographical areas.  Individuals are welcome to
submit reports for more than one agency or organization.  

Please respond no later than Friday, June 2, 2006.  

An individual is welcome to submit reports for more than one agency or
organization. However, please try to coordinate your responses with others
so that we receive only one response per organization.

George Bain will compile the results and report on them during the DC 2006
RAO Section meeting, scheduled for Friday August 4, 12:15-2:15 pm.


Archives Week/Month InfoExpo:

Does your organization celebrate Archives Week or Month?  Now is your chance
to share your enthusiasm and creativity with other archivists!

Archives Week and Month will be one of the featured themes for the
first-ever "Great Ideas! InfoExpo" at DC2006, the joint annual meeting of
the Society of American Archivists (SAA), the Council of State Archivists
(CoSA), and the National Association of Government Archives and Records
Administrators (NAGARA).  DC2006 will be held July 30-August 5, 2006, in
Washington DC.

To find out more about the Great Ideas! InfoExpos, visit  

You'll find a link there to information about making a reservation to
include your Archives Week or Month posters and other materials in this
year's displays.  

Reservation forms must be POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN JUNE 16, 2006, so act

The Great Ideas! InfoExpo at DC2006 is designed to provide an opportunity
for peer-to-peer information sharing among archivists, repositories,
archival associations, and other organizations about programs and projects
of high interest to the archival community nationwide.  The DC2006 Great
Ideas! InfoExpo will focus on three topical areas:

-- Diversity

-- Archives Week/Month

-- Disaster planning and preparedness

The InfoExpo will run from 8:00 am to 5 pm, Thursday through Saturday,
August 3-5.

The Archives Week/Month InfoExpo is being coordinated by representatives
from the SAA Reference, Access, and Outreach (RAO) Section with input from
regional archival associations and state historical records advisory boards
(SHRABs) having active Archives Week/Month programs.  They welcome
contributions from any organization that would like to display posters,
photographs, promotional items, or other items from their recent Archives
Week or Month activities.

If you have questions, please contact Susan McElrath, Chair of the SAA
Reference, Access, and Outreach Section by phone (202-885-3255) or email
([log in to unmask]) or Todd Kosmerick, Vice-Chair of the SAA Reference,
Access, and Outreach Section by phone (919-513-3673) or email
([log in to unmask])

Susan McElrath
Chair, SAA Reference, Access, and Outreach Section and
Team Leader for University Archives and Special Collections
American University Library
Ph. (202) 885-3255 Fx. (202) 885-3226
[log in to unmask] 

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