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Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
Alice Young <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 08:10:12 -0400
Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (131 lines)
Good morning, all!

It was a very interesting conference and I felt as though I was running from
meeting to session to meeting.  No matter, it was our annual Records
Management College!  Seriously, is there any better way to get a full week
of RIM classes and network, as Peter stated F2F?  Not in my book!

Larry, I saw you when I sat in Hugh's session (I was in the row just in
front of you - reddish blonde hair).  I enjoyed the input you gave on
developing a sound records center.  Thanks!

To all the rest, Chicago will be lots of fun, again, I'm sure!  Meeting
ListServ folks and those with whom you've been conversing for a year or
better is always great!

Have a super w'end!!!  :-)

Alice B. Young
Records Management Administrator
Greater Orlando Aviation Authority
Orlando International Airport
Orlando FL 32827-4399
407.825.2060 voice
407.825.2526 fax
[log in to unmask]
Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Medina [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 8:35 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: How was Long Beach?

--- John Annunziello <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Sorry to be the wet blanket on this one, but I was disappointed in
> this years conference.  Currently, we're in the stages of
> implementing an EDRMS
> and I was hoping to hear some case studies.......not
> one.

Too Bad, John.  In past years there have been many presentations dealing
specifically with what you were looking for, but I think it may be a case of
"been there, done that" and ARMA decided to go in a diffeent direction this

Sounds like what would be of great value to you is to
hook up with a User's Group for the system you're
implementing and/or to get some "lessons learned"
experiences from others in similar organizations to
yours who have dome the same thing in the not too
distant past.  In all honesty, EVERY installation is different... sometimes
it's because of the operating systems, or the configuration, or the
"organizational culture", or many other reasons... but no two installations
are EVER the same!

> Yes, I did hear
> some very good sessions but on several occasions
> could not get into the
> one I wanted as there was insufficient space.

I had a similar experience, but my biggest problem was
the conflicting sessions that I was interested in seeing/attending... and
the fact that many presenters didn't provide their handouts in advance, so
you couldn't determine if it was really what the session title said it was.
That's not to say that presenters are "deceptive" in their advance info,
just that it might not be heading the way you expected it to, so another
session may be more appropriate for your limited time.

> There were  also many
> sessions on Sarbanes-Oxley which is very big in the
> US, but not terribly applicable to us in Canada.

I think a lot of what SOX is really all about is
applicable to any RIM program, it's basically just
good business practices, and following them puts you
in compliance with certain regulations.  Even though
the base case is to retain specified financial and
audit information for specified periods of time and in specified formats,
the gist of it is to develop sound practices, ensure they're communicated
throughout the organization and followed uniformly... and that's really what
GOOD RIM is all about.

> It was nice to see
> Alice from Orlando though.

I'm sorry I didn't run into either you or Alice... I
spent a lot of time focussing on badges as I roamed
the halls between sessions looking for names of folks
I "know" from here, and ran into quite a few of them,
but sorry I missed you.

> And guess what....Long beach is not a beach but a
> harbour.....definately a misnomer.

No way, Dude! (he says in his best CA accent)  There
IS a beach... it was South-Southwest of the Conference
hotel and it's about a mile or so long.  But you're
right it's mainly a harbor, and it's an old Navy
Town... you just couldn't tell that anymore.

> With this being my first visit to
> California,I  I had
> expectations of what LA and Hollywood would look
> like.  If I didn't know
> better, I could have been in parts of Toronto.

Although they aren't far apart, Long Beach and
LA/Hollywood are about as different as Toronto and
Vancouver.  You need to "get into LA" to find the LA
you were expecting to see, it's there but you need to
look for it.

> Well so much for
> complaining.....guess I'll just climb  back on my
> dog sled team and head back to my igloo.

Hey, it's not complaining... it's "one Man's view",


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