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Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
Don Saklad <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 8 Mar 2005 01:34:18 -0500
Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (114 lines)
Please encourage Boston Finance Commission to make the Fincom reports
available via the web. Public reports are kept away from the people by
not using the available technology to disseminate these important
communications from a commision established to review the
effectiveness and efficiency of municipal government.

Duties of the Fincom are indicated in Section 18 of the legislation...

Acts 1909 Chapter 486
The Finance Commission

Section 17.
Finance Commission. Appointment, terms, etc.
 Within sixty days after the passage of this act the governnor
 with the advice and consent of the council
 shall appoint a finance commission to consist of five persons,
 inhabitants of and qualified voters in the city of Boston,
 who shall have been such for
 at least three years prior to the date of their appointment,
 one for the term of five years,
 one for four years,
 one for three years,
 one for two years,
 and one for one year,

 and thereafter as the terms of office expire in each year,
 one member for a term of five years.

 Vacancies in the commission shall be
 filled for the unexpired term by the governor
 with the advice and consent of the council.

 The members of said commission may be removed by the governor
 with the advice and consent of the council
 for such cause as he shall deem sufficient.

 The chairman shall be designated by the governor.

 His annual salary shall be five thousand dollars,
 which shall be paid in monthly instalments by the city of Boston.

 The other members shall serve without pay.

Section 18.
Duties, etc.
 It shall be the duty of the finance commission from time to time
 to investigate any and all matters relating to
 and methods of administration
 affecting the city of Boston or the county of Suffolk,
 or any department thereof,
 that may appear to the commission to require investigation,
 and to report thereon from time to time to
 the mayor,
 the city council,
 the governor,
 or the general court.

 The commission shall make an annual report in January of each year
 to the general court.

Section 19.
Pay rolls, bills, etc., to be referred to the commission, etc.
 Whenever any
 pay roll,
 or other claim against the city is presented to the mayor,
 city auditor,
 or the city treasurer,
 he shall, if the same seems to him to be of
 doubtful validity,
 excessive in amount,
 or otherwise contrary to the city's interest,
 refer it too the finance commission,
 which shall immediately investigate the facts and report thereon;
 and pending said report payment shall be withheld.

Section 20.
Employment of experts, etc.
 The said commission is authorized to employ such
 and other assistants,
 and to incur such other expenses as it may deem necessary,
 and the same shall be paid by said city
 upon requisition by the commission,
 not exceeding in the aggregate in any year
 the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars,
 or such additional sums as may be appropriated
 for the purpose by the city council,
 and approved by the mayor.

 A sum sufficient to cover the salary of
 the chairman of the commission
 and the further sum of at least twenty-five thousand dollars
 to meet the expenses as aforesaid
 shall be appropriated each year by said city.

 The commission shall have the same right
 to incur expenses in anticipation of its appropriation
 as if it were a regular department of said city.

Acts 1909 Chapter 486

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