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Peter Kurilecz <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Feb 2010 22:10:51 -0500
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Records and Archives In the News is a compilation of news stories related to
records and archives management.

Breaking: Feds intervene in Starwood-Hilton corporate espionage case
USA Today
Starwood claims the executives took confidential documents, both electronic
and physical, and that Hilton used them to develop a competitor to the W
Hotels ...<>

Codes in Google attacks tied to Chinese hackers, source says
Washington Post
... analysts have concluded the attack was part of a concerted political and
corporate espionage effort consistent with a cyber effort by China. ...

Managing Web 2.0 Content for Archiving and E-Discovery
IT Business Edge
The company's records manager can implement policies in TRIM that get
executed on the SharePoint server.” Eitenbichler: Yes. Because there are
business ...<>

Good news -- and bad -- about museum hiring
Scripps News
American Library Association President Loriene Roy said that as information
continues to increase, the role of archivist is changing. ...<>

The Secret Of Trade Secret Success
Unfortunately many executives don't even know what trade secrets are, much
less how to protect them and, as a result, use them. ...<>

The paper chasers
The Witness
Attempts that have, ironically perhaps, seen archivists warring with
archivists — one group operating from a human rights perspective; the
others, ...<>

Budget cuts put recorded history of the nation under siege
The Australian
Archivists emerged from the shadows, hurling broadsides. The issues raised
by the closure are sharp: the decision, arbitrary and abrupt, calls in
question ...<>

Electronic Records Bill Heads To Governor
... a preservation process for maintaining the authenticity of state
electronic records. ... said Matt Veatch, State Archivist, Kansas Historical
Society. ...<>

Shaping the National Archives (US): Longest-Serving Archivist Wayne Grover
ResourceShelf (blog)
... to the Archives, but he rose quickly, becoming a junior archivist the
next year, and an archivist handling War Department records the following
year. ...<>

NARA clarifies recordkeeping for the cloud
By Ben Bain The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) wants
agencies to understand their records management responsibilities as they
float ...<>

A German Library for the 21st Century
Spiegel Online
"If a city archive provides material about the history of a street," he
says, "the residents could enrich that with their own stories and photos.

Warren County records part of project
Vicksburg Post
... identify and inventory records in the state's 14 pre-statehood counties
and evaluate the microfilm collection held in Jackson at the state archives.

MI5 criticised on record-keeping
The Press Association
The standard of record-keeping by MI5 and MI6 is "not fit for purpose", the
chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee has said. ...

Historical society donation sheds light on Milford hero's life
In 1941, he enlisted in the Air Force and became a navigator and bombardier,
said Mike McCurdy, Greater Milford Area Historical Society member and
historian ...<>

Records a wreck: Erie County Clerk of Courts files overflow across the
Sandusky Register
By SHAWN FOUCHER Saturday, February 20, 2010 1:33 AM EST Register photo/LUKE
WARK Boxes of records reach to the ceiling of a storage room of the Erie
County ...<>

Record number of court cases expunged
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Once a case is expunged, all traces of it disappear from the public record.
Computer files are erased and hard copy files are shredded. ...<>

Itsy-Bitsy, Teeny-Weeny E-Discovery
In the world of paper records, spoliation, or destruction of evidence, is
easy to spot; either a document has been destroyed or not. ...<>

Obama Administration Denies Public Access to Fannie and Freddie Documents
Right Side News
On Thursday afternoon, Judicial Watch's Director of Research of
Investigation Chris Farrell educated CPAC attendees on the open records
process in a ...<>

Historian's award winning passion is sure to put JBB in the record book
Joint Base Balad
"My main job is to be an archivist," Sergeant Garver said. "I have to think
like a future historian and capture and cover what they will be interested
in. ...<>

Brewster captures treasured archives via digital imaging
Cape Codder
By Rich Eldred Today you can watch a video of Brewster's 2009 town meeting
online, if you're so inclined, and perhaps 200 years from now someone will
view ...<>

How Far Will Apple Go to Keep Its Secrets?
Atlantic Online
We saw reports this week on Apple's success at concealing iPad shipping
data, and the extent to which a supplier goes to keep trade secrets and
employees ...<>

In a digital world, why is our visual history being lost?
Toronto Star
He says that shoe-string budgets often lead to the hiring of unskilled
archivists: "If a photograph is scanned, but the names aren't catalogued
properly, ...<>

Lawmakers should steer clear of Heritage Center funding in their search for
Longview Daily News
The Heritage Center would bring the State Archives, State Library and the
State Capital Museum's exhibits all under one roof. Currently, both the
State ...<>

A fuzzy picture: US jobs projections for curators leave museum directors ...
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
American Library Association president Loriene Roy said as information
continues to increase, the role of archivist is changing. People are needed
who can ...<>

More than names, dates
Spartanburg Herald Journal
"History isn't just names and dates," said Phillip Stone, Wofford archivist.
"When you look at raw documents, it tells a story. It shows how we have
grown ...<>

Archive Material from Major 20th Century Theatrical Agencies Garners Rave
Art Daily
Included within the 400-lot auction were the extensive archives from the New
York theatrical agency, American Play Company (APC)/ Century Play Company
(CPC) ...<>

Local history buff pens resolution to bring the Parker archives home
Janesville Gazette
20, 2010 JANESVILLE — Al Lembrich, a Janesville history buff, wants to bring
at least some of the Parker Pen archives back to the city where the company

How to securely destroy your data
TechRadar UK
You could also shred it in several different ways, or you could totally ...
You can delete a file, but it can easily be retrieved from the Recycle Bin.

Peter Kurilecz CRM CA
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Richmond, Va
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electronic footprint and to save the sanity of digest subscribers

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