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Maarja Krusten <[log in to unmask]>
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Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 23 Jun 2006 10:35:13 -0400
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NCH WASHINGTON UPDATE (Vol. 12, #28; 23 JUNE 2006)
by Bruce Craig (editor)
Website at

5. BITS AND BYTES: History Coalition Weighs in on Net Neutrality; PIDB 
Member Named
6. ARTICLES OF INTEREST: "American Express Announces $10 Million 
Commitment for Historic Preservation” (PR Newswire)

In a surprise move on the floor of the House of Representatives, on 14 
June 2006, the lower chamber cut the proposed budget for the National 
Archives and Records Administration (NARA) by $8 million. A higher 
level budget had been approved by the House Appropriations Committee 
and its Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban 
Development, the Judiciary, and the District of Columbia. If the Senate 
agrees with the House the net result would signal (to quote a 
“dismayed” Archivist of the United States Allen Weinstein) “a very 
austere year” in FY 2007 for NARA – one that would mean a reduction of 
hours of operations, partial closings of researcher reading rooms on 
nights and weekends, and even possible furloughing of employees.

The cut took National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) 
legislative staff and the House Appropriations Members and staff by 
surprise; there was no advance notice of the proposed amendment. The 
amendment, sponsored by Representatives Darlene Hooley (D-OR) and 
joined by Kenny C. Hulshof (R-MO) and Ike Skelton (D-MO) sought to 
restore funding (including $8 million from the NARA budget) for a drug 
interdiction initiative that had been zeroed out of the federal budget. 
The initiative seeks to help curb the extensive abuse of crystal 

The congresswoman recommended taking the money from NARA’s budget as 
she needed to find an “offset” (when Congress adds money to a bill, an 
“offset” must be found and the budget for that program reduced by an 
equal amount) in order to fund the interdiction program.

While the funding plight of the interdiction program was recognized by 
Congressman Knollenberg (R-MI), Chairman of the Transportation/Treasury 
Appropriations Subcommittee, he vigorously opposed funding proposal at 
the expense of NARA’s budget. The chairman told his colleagues that the 
National Archives was already struggling to fund a $12 million 
shortfall, and that the agency is considering other measures to save 
money in addition to the hiring freeze (see related story below). 
During the first vote the amendment was defeated, but Rep. Hooley 
demanded a roll call vote; the final vote on the amendment was 348 yeas 
to 76 nays, with 8 members not voting. As a result, NARA’s proposed 
funding shortfall in FY 2007 is now over $20 million.

In conversations between the National Coalition for History and Senate 
appropriations staff and others on Capitol Hill, most insiders believe 
the Senate will not agree to the proposed offset and that the $8 
million will be restored by the Senate in conference when the bill is 
reconsidered by representatives of both houses.

Insiders also report that when the Senate takes up the NARA funding 
bill (probably after the July 4 recess) the Senate is likely to agree 
with the House on the need to provide some level of funding for the 
National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC). While 
the president proposed zero funds for the NHPRC, the House approved 
funding at $7.5 million ($5.5 for grants; $2 million for administration 
and staffing). The Senate is expected to provide funding for the NHPRC 
at a level consistent with the House.

Constituents of Representatives Hooley, Hulshof, and Skelton may wish 
to contact their member (write, e-mail, or call -- the capitol 
switchboard number is (202) 224-3121 and express their views on the 
amendment that was offered and let them know about the devastating 
impact it conceivably would have on NARA’s ability to serve the public.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) plans on 
instituting a hiring freeze and other steps – including an early 
retirement buy-out program for qualified employees – in order to 
minimized an anticipated budget shortfall for this and next year.

While Congressionally-mandated pay raises, higher facility rents, and 
increases in energy costs in facilities nationwide account for some of 
the projected funding shortfall, the fact is that personnel costs make 
up the largest part of NARA’s operational expenses. According to NARA 
officials “these costs must be reduced.” Consequently, a hiring freeze 
is set to begin 3 July. It will effect only those positions funded by 
the agency’s core operational funds and will not effect positions 
funded from NARA’s Revolving Fund, Trust Fund, through the ERA 
appropriation, or through most reimbursable programs.

In addition to instituting the hiring freeze, NARA anticipates taking 
additional action to reduce the budget: there will be opportunities for 
employees to take an early retirement, and a reduction of hours of 
operation for both the research and exhibition sides of NARA – that 
move is anticipated to hit the genealogical community and other 
researchers, as well as the visiting public especially hard.

On 9 June 2006, Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) introduced the 
“Protection for Participants in Research Act of 2006" (H.R. 5578) – 
legislation seeking to insure that all human subject research is 
conducted in accordance with the Common Rule and other provisions in 
law that are designed to insure that human subject research poses 
minimal risk to research participants. The bill also seeks to insure 
“informed consent” by all research participants.

Human subject research – including certain oral history research 
activities – has been interpreted by some federal officials in the 
Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) and some university 
Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) to be governed by provisions in the 
Public Health Service Act. The law, which originally was designed to 
protect the human subjects from abuse by bio-medical researchers, 
remains vague if not totally mute with respect to oral history 
research. This, however, has not stopped some university IRB’s to (in 
the words of critics) “overreach” their authority when applying OHRP 
regulations to oral history research. Some university IRB’s grant an 
exemption to oral history research while others (especially those that 
do not have historians or social scientists sitting on the IRB) demand 
that historians seek IRB approval for any oral history research that 
may be undertaken in the process of conducting historical research.

In recent months there have been several new IRB horror stories 
relating to oral history. For example, at one major research university 
a doctoral dissertation that had been approved by the Dean of the 
Graduate School, was withdrawn just weeks prior to the student’s 
anticipated graduation. In what appears to have been a communication 
problem between the student’s graduate advisor, the graduate school, 
and the university IRB, the doctoral candidate was ordered to take back 
his dissertation, strike all references to his oral history 
interviewees and destroy the tapes he made, even though he had secured 
signed releases from all his oral history interviewees. The student’s 
graduation and future – including a job offer (his position is 
conditioned on having the Ph.D. in hand prior to appointment) – at this 
writing remains in jeopardy.

DeGette’s bill does not speak directly to the issue of oral history 
research and would do little to address the specific concerns relating 
to such research activities. There is a provision in the bill that 
directs the Health and Human Service’s Secretary to consider whether 
the list of exemptions should be modified or whether “new categories of 
exemptions [should be] established.” The bill also mandates that local 
IRBs are to consist of at least two persons whose expertise is in 
“nonscientific areas” and an additional two persons from outside the 
research institution.

While the DeGette bill does little to resolve the controversy over oral 
history, the American Historical Association, the Oral History 
Association, and other history-related organizations have formally 
requested that the OHRP (which in the past has sent contradictory 
messages to the historical community) clarify their regulations and 
policies regarding the applicability of oral history in IRB review.

On 21 June 2006, Readex, a leading publisher of online historical 
collections, announced the completion of Early American Newspapers, 
Series I, 1690-1876. An integral part of Readex’s Web-based Archive of 
Americana, this digital edition offers fully searchable, cover-to-cover 
reproductions of nearly 350,000 issues from over 700 historical 
American newspapers, totaling more than 1.5 million pages. Digitized 
primarily from the extensive historical newspaper holdings of the 
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) and published in cooperation with 
the AAS, Early American Newspapers, Series I is a collection of great 
significance for historical researchers at all levels.

Early American Newspapers, Series I provides unprecedented access to 
America's past by documenting daily life, popular issues and events and 
both majority and minority views in hundreds of communities. The 
collection Focuses largely on the 18th century and offers titles from 
23 states and the District of Columbia. This comprehensive resource is 
based on Clarence S. Brigham's "History and Bibliography of American 
Newspapers, 1690-1820" and other authoritative bibliographies. Users 
can easily view, magnify, print and save items and limit searches to 
items that fall into such categories as news/opinion, election returns, 
letters, poetry, legislative acts or legal proceedings, prices, 
advertisements, matrimony notices, and death notices.

"The joint effort of Readex and the American Antiquarian Society has 
led to the creation of a digital historical newspaper collection of 
unparalleled breadth and depth," said Ellen S. Dunlap, President of the 
American Antiquarian Society. "We are pleased to see our vast newspaper 
holdings serve to further contribute to fresh understandings of our 
nation's past."
"Now, Web-based access to one of the most valuable sources for 18th- 
and 19th-century historical research is enabling students and scholars 
at hundreds of institutions worldwide to explore nearly every aspect of 
early America," said Remmel Nunn, Readex Vice President of New Product 

As part of the America's Historical Newspapers collection, Early 
American Newspapers, Series I, 1690-1876 shares a common interface with 
Early American Newspapers, Series II, 1758-1900 and Early American 
Newspapers, Series III, 1829-1922.

For more information on the digital edition of Early American 
Newspapers, Series I, 1690-1876, the Archive of Americana or other 
Readex products, visit

Item #1 – History Coalition Weighs in on Net Neutrality: Two weeks back 
the National Coalition for History voted to join the Net Neutrality 
Coalition. This last week the history coalition submitted two letters 
of support for pending legislation designed to retain an open Internet. 
Letters of support for The Communications Consumers Choice and 
Broadband Deployment Act of 2006 (S. 2686) were sent to the Senate and 
letters in support of an amendment to the Communications Opportunity 
Promotion and Enhancement Act (H.R. 5252) were submitted to the House. 
Member organizations seeking copies of the letters should contact the 
Executive Director at [log in to unmask] .

Item #2 – PIDB Member Named: Admiral William O. Studeman, a resident of 
Great Falls Virginia, has been named by the Speaker of the House of 
Representatives as his representative on the Public Interest 
Declassification Board (PIDB). Admiral Studman is a former director of 
the National Security Agency (NSA). At this time, only the Minority 
Leader of the Senate – Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) – has yet to name his 
representative. To that end several weeks ago, the National Coalition 
for History contacted Senator Reid’s office and advanced the names of 
three highly qualified candidates for the Senator’s consideration.

One posting this week. In "American Express Announces $10 Million 
Commitment for Historic Preservation Through 'Partners in Preservation' 
Program” (PR Newswire; 6/14/2006) details are announced of a new 
multi-million dollar five-year commitment to historic preservation 
through the establishment of a partnership with the National Trust for 
Historic Preservation. The program is dedicated to preserving sites 
both in the U.S. and around the world. For details of the program 

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The National Coalition for History (NCH) is a nonprofit educational 
organization that provides leadership in history related advocacy; it 
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and archives, and acts as a clearinghouse of news and information of 
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coalition is open to organizations that share our concern for history 
and archives. For information on how your history/archive organization 
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