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"Metzer, Laren" <[log in to unmask]>
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Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 16 Jul 2008 13:40:00 -0700
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Attached below is an RFP for a consultant position with the California Historical Records Advisory Board. The board has received NHPRC funding for a project to begin in January 2009. Please respond directly to me at: [log in to unmask]

                Request for Proposal

	1.	Statement of Purpose

		The California Historical Records Advisory Board (CHRAB) is seeking a consultant to assist the board in the implementation of its strategic plan, Historical Records in the Golden State: A Strategic Plan for Preserving California's Documentary Heritage. The project will focus on two broad goals: advocating for basic records management programs in local government and other repositories; and providing information and training to local record-keepers. The 18-month project will be funded by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).

	2.	Background Information

		The CHRAB is dedicated to promoting, coordinating, and supporting efforts to identify, manage, preserve, and make accessible the historical records of California. In carrying forward this mission, the board advocates professional stewardship and cooperation in the record-keeping community in order to ensure ready access to and use of the state's documentary heritage.

		State Coordinator Nancy Lenoil, who is appointed by the Governor, leads the CHRAB. Other board members represent either state agencies, such as the State Library, State Archives, and Department of Parks and Recreation, or particular organizations or constituencies, including the Society of California Archivists, the California Council for the Promotion of History, the California Association of Museums, universities and colleges, records management, and local government. Three at-large appointments by the State Coordinator round out the board.

		The CHRAB is authorized under federal regulations relating to NHPRC. The board serves as the statewide coordinator for historical records activities and reviews grant applications to NHPRC from California organizations.

		The board is currently engaged in a comprehensive revision of its strategic plan. This effort will be completed in December 2008.

	3.	Scope of Work

		The consultant will focus on the following objectives:

		3.1	To establish a clearinghouse of information about archives and records management

			Much of this information already exists, but in widely scattered sources, including SAA, NAGARA, CoSA, AASLH, ARMA, AIIM and other organizations. Working with selected board members and local government organizations, the consultant will pull together best practices and guidelines on a variety of archives and records management topics, including retention scheduling, preservation, disaster planning and recovery, electronic records, archival storage facilities and others. In most instances, the State Archives web site that will host the clearinghouse will provide a link to the information. In other cases, the information itself will be posted on the site by State Archives staff.

		3.2	To develop a basic workshop on records management for local governments and other repositories

			Working with selected board members and local government organizations, the consultant will create a curriculum for a basic, one-day records management workshop. The format will follow the highly successful Basics of Archives workshop curriculum that was used in the board's recent regrant project. This model provides an attractive, PowerPoint presentation and student workbooks that include handouts, exercises, and discussions designed to educate the adult learner. 

		3.3	To offer the basic records management workshop at selected sites around the state

			Once a draft of the program has been completed, three workshops will be offered by the consultant to evaluate the curriculum. Following the review and revision work, five additional workshops will be offered by other instructors at selected sites in the state. The workshops will be focused on city and county record-keepers, including city clerks, county clerks, county recorders, and city and county administrative staff that have functional responsibility for records management activities, but will also be available to participants from other repositories. Class size in the workshops will be limited to thirty participants with an average target of twenty-five students per workshop. After all the workshops have been presented, the board will conduct a final assessment of the program and then burn it to a CD format. CDs will then be distributed to local government record-keepers and made available to other repositories. In addition, the CD will be available for use via the State Archives web site. A follow-up survey of all workshop participants will be developed and distributed by the board to gauge the value of the curriculum.

		3.4	To create a general information brochure about the value of records management for distribution to city and county officials and other repositories

			Working with the board, the consultant will create a general information brochure that will make a business case for a records management program. Once the board has reviewed and approved the brochure, it will be printed in bulk and distributed to local government officials and other repositories and made available in electronic format through the State Archives web site.

		3.5	To develop a program supporting the reactivation of county historical records commissions

			The commissions, created by statute in 1974, have been largely moribund for years, but potentially can serve a valuable role in the management and preservation of local government records. The commissions were intended to serve in an advisory capacity to a county board of supervisors in matters relating to historical records. In addition to the county clerk or county clerk-recorder, the commissions have generally included representatives from the county library, the county historical society or county museum, and several public members at large. Members of the commissions were invited annually to a meeting in Sacramento jointly hosted by the State Archives and the State Library to discuss areas of mutual concern and receive basic education and information relating to the management and preservation of historical records.

			In conjunction with State Archives staff, the consultant and board will update its roster of commissions and prepare a one-day program of advocacy and education for commission members in Sacramento. The program will focus on the role of the commissions, their membership structure, working with local government resource allocators, and priorities. While it is unrealistic to expect that all fifty-eight counties in the state will send representatives from their commission, many of which have been dormant for a number of years, to the program, this initiative will be an important first step in reactivating the vital role that the commissions can provide in managing and preserving local records. To do so, however, the commissions need direction from the board and state agencies.

	4.	Outcome and Performance Standards

During the project, the consultant will meet the following objectives:

	4.1 Develop a basic one-day records management workshop 
	4.2 Teach three basic records management workshops 
		4.2 Create a general information brochure will be developed emphasizing the value of records management to local governments and other repositories
		4.4 Develop a meeting of the county historical records commissions 
		4.5 Attend CHRAB meetings as directed
		4.6 Work with selected board members on project objectives
		4.7 Prepare regular reports about project work

		The project director and the CHRAB will regularly monitor the work of the consultant. Should the project director or the CHRAB determine that the consultant is not meeting project objectives as indicated in the project plan of work, payments to the consultant may be withheld.

		The schedule for the plan of work is provided below.

Task/Period	1/09				     9/09			                6/10
		          ?				        ?			                                ?
Obtain consultant	X

1st board meeting	      X	

Establish clearinghouse         XXXXXX

Publicize clearinghouse		        XX
Task/Period	1/09				     9/09			                6/10
		          ?				        ?			                                ?

Workshop developed		XXXXXXXXXX

1st - 3rd workshops				      X	    X      X

2nd board meeting			X

CHRC meeting planned			         XX

Advocacy brochure developed	                             XXXXXX

Brochures distributed							    XXX

3rd board meeting							X

CHRC meeting held							        X

4th - 8th workshops								X  X  X  X  X

Workshop CD produced and distributed						        XX

4th board meeting								       X

Final reports prepared										X

	5.	Desirable Qualifications

		The vendor will have significant knowledge of archives and records management and extensive work experience in the records management field. Experience in teaching records management courses or workshops is desirable. Must have strong communication and writing skills, ability to work independently, and experience in grant administration. Must be willing to travel. 

		Education may include BA degree in history, information science, business administration or related discipline and five years of experience in archives and records management or MA degree in history, information science, business administration or related discipline and three years of experience in archives and records management.

	6.	Term of Contract

		The contract for all project work will be between The Friends of California Archives, a non-profit corporation, and the consultant. The contract will begin in January 2009 and end no later than June 2010. 

	7.	Payments

		The consultant will submit an invoice reflecting billable hours on a monthly basis to the project director. The rate of compensation will be $50 per hour or $400 per full day of work. Total compensation for the project of 18 months not to exceed $11,600 plus expenses for travel.  

	8.	Requirements for Proposal

		A vendor submitting a proposal should include a specific description of how each objective will be met, a current resume, a list of three references, and payment requirements. All proposals should be submitted in electronic form to:

		Laren Metzer
		Deputy State Coordinator
		California State Archives
		1020 O Street
		Sacramento, CA 95814

	9.	Evaluation Process

		All proposals must be submitted no later than October 31, 2008. Proposals will be evaluated on experience of vendor relevant to project work, completeness of written proposal, references, and availability during project period. The final selection will be made by the CHRAB during its November meeting. The vendor who is selected for the project will be notified no later than November 30, 2008.

	10.	Points of Contact

		For questions about the RFP or the project work, contact the following people:

		Laren Metzer
		Deputy State Coordinator
		California State Archives
		1020 O Street
		Sacramento, CA 95814
		T: 916-653-3834
		[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>

		Nancy Lenoil
		State Coordinator
		California State Archives
		1020 O Street
		Sacramento, CA 95814
		T: 916-653-0401
		Email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Laren Metzer
Deputy State Archivist
California State Archives
Office of the Secretary of State
1020 "O" Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 653-3834
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