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Anna Clarkson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 16 Nov 2012 11:06:39 -0500
text/plain (52 lines)
Dear Records Managers,

I wanted to ask your advice regarding numbering systems for records 

To give you a general sense, our institution is pretty small. We have one 
location and about 150 employees.    We have two small rooms offsite 
that we use as a “Records Center”.  The rooms hold approximately 500 
boxes in total.  

We are currently in the process of devising a numbering system for the 
records center shelving and have some divergent opinions amongst us. All 
information will be entered into Archivists’ Toolkit for tracking.   The two 
ways we are leaning are:

1)  Assign one unique location number (i.e. 1-500 for each box position on 

2)  Assign unique shelf numbers (1-36), section letter (A-E), location 
position (f=front, b=back)to create a unique coordinate (i.e. 1, A, f). 

We are trying to be mindful that our Records Center may grow over the 
coming years and want to develop a system that is expandable.  We also 
want to avoid over-complicating things as what might be necessary for a 
government agency or fortune 500 company may not be necessary for 

In addition, we will be adding a more specific location tracking system into 
our Archives in the near future and are wondering if the Archives location 
tracking system should use the same type of numbering system as the 
records center or different as box sizes vary as well as the shelving type.  

I would welcome any advice.  Thank you for your time. 

Kind regards,


Anna Clarkson
Project Archivist 
The Baltimore Museum of Art
10 Art Museum Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218-3898
Email:  [log in to unmask]
Tel:  443.573.1782
Fax:  443.573.1781

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