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Records Management


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John Montana <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 26 Jun 2013 14:38:36 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)
I had a person who is working in a United Methodist Church ask me what 
retention schedule they should be using. I know the United Methodist 
Church has a centralized Archives and Records Department, so I directed 
the person there for answers. It got me wondering though, do churches 
have to follow federal/state regulations when it comes to records 
retention? Or are they exempt? What about churches that aren't part of a 
larger affiliation that would have a centralized Archives/Records 
Department to consult, like a grass-roots type of institution? Where 
would they get their retention schedule from?

Churches, like any other organization, are subject to an assortment of 
laws -- For example, if a church has employees, it'll be governed by 
wage and hour, employment and employment discrimination, benefits, and 
so on.  Its properties may be subject to safety inspections (e.g., fire 
inspections) tha may have recordkeeping requirements.  If it has a big  
kitchen, that kitchen may be subject to local health requirements with 
recordkeeping requirements.  And even though it's probably a non-profit, 
it will still have to keep its accounting records in a legally compliant 
manner, since an audit to validate its non-profit activities is a 
possibility.  There are many other possiblities:  Does it have a school 
bus?  Vehicle inspection records.  Etc.,etc.

Bottom line:  For records retention purposes, a Church is very like any 
other organization of like size and complexity. It's generally subject 
to legal requirements, but what they are will depend on what it does, 
and where.

Best regards,

John Montaņa
Montaņa & Associates
29 Parsons Road
Landenberg Pennsylvania 19350
484-653-8422 mobile
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twitter: @johncmontana

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