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Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 18 Mar 2013 14:21:15 +0000
Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
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"Noonan, Daniel (Dan)" <[log in to unmask]>
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ARMA International Greater Columbus Ohio Chapter
2013 Annual Spring Seminar
“Business Continuity and Vital Records" and "The Challenge of Managing Social Media in the Records Environment"
Speaker: Priscilla Emery, ERMs, CIP

8:00 – 8:30      Registration
8:30 – 8:45      Introduction

8:45 – 12:00    Session 1:  Business Continuity and Vital Records  (Includes 15 minute break)

According to the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), of all of the businesses damaged by Hurricane Andrew in 1992 (a category 4 storm), 80% of those lacking some form of business continuity plan failed within two years of the storm.  Yet, even with all of the warnings and advice many businesses and organizations, large and small, fail to take effective measures to protect their documents.  What happens when a business experiences a significant loss of power over several days?  Making sure staff members are out of harm’s way during any disaster should be a company’s first priority.  But if you have an effective plan for managing and preserving your working and archival documents, once the dust settles and the clouds and winds have died down, you are less likely to be one of the 80% of businesses that never recover from catastrophe.

This session will cover business continuity planning and how to develop a vital records program to be prepared to recover business-critical records.  At the end of this session attendees will be able to:

§  Understand the concepts of Business Continuity, Disaster Preparedness and Risk Assessment.
§  Identify Vital Records within their organization and manage them accordingly.
§  Understand how to put together a Vital Records Plan consistent with a Business Continuity Plan.
§  Understand Records Recovery Methods available in the case of a disaster.

12:00 – 12:45 Lunch
12:45 – 1:00 Introduction
1:00 – 4:15 Session 2: The Challenge of Managing Social Media in the Records Environment (Includes 15 minute break)

The use of social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter has grown dramatically over the last few years and has dramatically changed how people interact with each other both for personal and business activities.  But from a recordkeeping standpoint the use of these communication vehicles can be extremely problematic.

This session will highlight the business and legal issues involved with regard to social networking and its implications for records managers.  We will also discuss the different approaches that are available to achieve compliance.   At the end of this session you will:

§  Have a solid understanding of the nature of social media and the pros and cons of using them in your business.
§  Be able to make a more informed decision about how to manage the use of social media within your organization and provide senior management with the guidance they need from a records manager’s perspective.
§  Understand the implications of developing a social media policy and what elements need to be covered across ALL of your regulated communications.
§  Identify tools and techniques that can be used to retain social media artifacts.

4:15 – 4:30 Q & A Panel and Wrap-up

$149.00 Sessions I & II (Received on or before April 30th)

$189.00 Sessions I & II (Received after April 30th)

(Lunch is included if attending both sessions)

$99.00 for Session I: 8:45 am – Noon: Business Continuity and Vital Records

$99.00 for Session II: 1:00 pm – 4:15 pm: The Challenge of Managing Social Media in the Records Environment

Register at:

Priscilla Emery, ERMs, CIP:
Priscilla Emery is a Principal of Information Management and Engagement Manager for IQ Business Group, a leading provider of Data & Information Management Solutions to highly regulated industries and the public sector. Ms Emery was previously President and founder of ECM Scope (also known as e-Nterprise Advisors). which provided market research, strategic planning and advisory services in ECM to both vendor and user organizations. Prior to establishing ECM Scope, she was Senior VP of Information Products and Services for AIIM International where she was responsible for the development and delivery of publications and other information-oriented products and services to AIIM members and associates. Prior to her position at AIIM, Ms. Emery was VP and Director of Gartner’s Electronic Workplace Technologies research center and New Science’s Intelligent Document Management service. She has provided many Fortune 500 user and vendor organizations with strategic planning advice in the areas of document, content and e-mail management and the assimilation of new and emerging technologies. Ms. Emery has also worked at Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Connecticut, Combustion Engineering (now ABB), Primerica Corp. (now Citicorp) and Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Ms. Emery has over 30 years experience in the information systems industry, has been a featured speaker at many international industry events. She has been quoted in business and industry publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Computerworld, InformationWeek, Software Magazine and PCWeek, and has written numerous articles for publications, such as Imaging and Document Solutions (now Transform Magazine), e-doc, KMWorld, and DB2 Magazine. She has also written Knowledge Management: The Essentials, E-Mail Management Tools: Sorting Through the Options, and, most recently, the Electronic Records Management Buyer’s Guide for AIIM International. She has a B.A. in Mathematics from Lehman College (part of the City University of New York).  Ms. Emery is an AIIM Fellow and holds the Masters of Information Technology and Laureate of Information Technology for Electronic Imaging designations from AIIM International, is a certified AIIM ERM Specialist, is a Certified Information Professional (CIP) and is a member of ARMA International and active in the Central Florida ARMA chapter.
Additional info at:
[The Ohio State University]
Daniel W. Noonan, MLS, CDIA+ Assistant Professor, e-Records/Digital Resources Archivist
The Ohio State University Libraries University Archives
419B Thompson Library | 1858 Neil Avenue Mall Columbus, OH 43210
614.247.2425 Office
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