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Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 4 Mar 2015 22:08:55 -0600
Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
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Peter Kurilecz <[log in to unmask]>
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Why the Hillary Clinton email revelations are a significant problem

the impact of the revelation may prove harder to rebut than that. It leaves
Clinton vulnerable to at least three lines of criticism: that she
potentially broke fundamental rules governing the handling and security of
state secrets; that she skirted around guidelines put in place to ensure
historical accountability and transparency within high public office; and
the political attack that she must have had something to hide.

 Pushback on Hillary emails falls short

A pro-Clinton armada of progressive groups led by David Brock – Media
Matters For America, American Bridge and Correct The Record – is waging an
aggressive effort to dismiss the coverage of Hillary Clinton's potential
violation of federal email requirements as "deceptive."

 The news of Clinton's use of personal emails for official business was
first reported by The New York Times.

 Hillary Clinton’s Personal Email Use Came Before Recent Rule Changes

WASHINGTON—Federal laws and regulations on preserving government records
only recently have begun to catch up with how U.S. officials communicate, a
fact highlighted by the public stir over Hillary Clinton ’s private email
use as secretary of state.

 The Federal Records Act requires government agencies to preserve records
documenting the “organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures
and essential transactions” of an agency’s business. But it was only last
year that Congress passed, and President Barack Obama signed, a law with a
series of modern-day changes to improve recordkeeping and preservation.

 Clinton’s Use of Personal Email Not Illegal—Technically

Hillary Clinton is facing a barrage of criticism for using her personal
email account while serving as secretary of state, but lawyers say it’s
unlikely she did anything illegal—at least not technically.

 “There’s not any blanket prohibition on any federal employee from using a
personal email account to conduct government business,” said Potomac Law
Group partner Neil Koslowe, a former U.S. Department of Justice special
litigation counsel who has worked on cases involving the Federal Records

 National Archive regulations require emails to be “preserved in the
appropriate agency recordkeeping system”—but when Clinton was in office,
there was no actual deadline for doing so +

Clinton email high jinks cast new doubts on scope of Benghazi ‘talking

The public policy group that forced the Obama administration to cough up
emails on the infamous Benghazi “talking points” now wonders whether former
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal emails were improperly

 Judicial Watch, a non-profit watchdog that files law suits to force the
government to comply with Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests, obtained
emails last year that showed a White House aide pushed the idea that an
American-made anti-Muslim video spurred Libyans to attack the U.S. mission
in Benghazi in September 2012.

 Command, Control, Delete

When most of us get inundated with emails from foreign countries, we rely
on our spam filter. It turns out Hillary Clinton created an entire separate
email account. On Monday, the New York Times reported that while Clinton
was secretary of state, she used a private account for all of her official
correspondence. The Washington Post reported that the account was set up
the day of Clinton’s confirmation hearing.

 Clinton isn’t first senior government leader to use personal e-mail for
official business

Hillary Rodham Clinton was not the first senior government leader to
conduct official business on personal e-mail, a practice that — while
discouraged — apparently became widespread enough that Congress tightened
rules on its use late last year.

 The Federal Records Act prohibits official business on private e-mail
accounts unless the communications are copied and turned over to the
National Archives within 20 days.

 You Better Believe Hillary Clinton’s Emails Matter

On January 20, 2001, I sat at my office in the Eisenhower Executive Office
Building just steps away from the White House to begin the first day of the
George W. Bush administration. Before booting up my computer, I had to
physically remove a band placed across my computer by the Government
Accountability Office (GAO) reminding me that all records, files, and
documents were the property of the United States government.

 Some four years later when I resigned as a special assistant to the
President, I was reminded by a lawyer from the White House Counsel’s office
that all documents, emails, and files must be turned over so they could be
properly archived. Despite their obvious personal and historical value to
me, I could not leave the White House with memos and other documents I had
prepared for President Bush and members of his senior staff as
keepsakes—everything had to be handed over.

 Clinton’s Private E-Mail Use Ran Against Obama Records Push

Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail account while U.S. Secretary of
State may not have broken the law though it exposed her to hacking and ran
counter to the Obama administration’s policy of preserving electronic

 Security specialists say she also failed to take adequate precautions to
safeguard the account -- which she used for all her official business.

 Hillary Clinton’s Emailing Practices Fall in Legal Gray Area

Hillary Clinton’s practice of using her personal email account to conduct
official business while she was secretary of state falls into a legal gray

 It’s a federal crime to “willfully” destroy federal records, including
emails. But Ms. Clinton is not accused of destroying emails. Rather, she is
accused of simply storing them on an account separate from those used by
the State Department.

 Hillary Clinton Also Ran Her Own Email Server As Secretary of State

Transparency, thy name sure as hell ain't Hillary Clinton. During her time
as Secretary of State, Clinton went to extreme lengths to ensure that her
emails would stay private. Not only did she exclusively use a personal
email address, she even rigged up her own homebrew computer server that
routed back to her house instead of relying on government email servers.

 Hillary Clinton's personal email account looks bad now. But it was even
worse at the time.

this story looks even worse if you transport yourself back to early 2009,
when Clinton first became of Secretary of State and, according to this
story, initially refused to use a governmental account. The Bush
administration had just left office weeks earlier under the shadow of,
among other things, a major ongoing scandal concerning officials who used
personal email addresses to conduct business, and thus avoid scrutiny.

 Hillary Clinton and Her E-mails

The story raised the possibility that this practice may have violated
federal record-keeping requirements, and also raised possible security
concerns, especially if she was using an e-mail account that wasn’t
encrypted. Jason Baron, a former director of litigation at the National
Archives and Records Administration, told Michael S. Schmidt, of the Times,
“I can recall no instance in my time at the National Archives when a
high-ranking official at an executive-branch agency solely used a personal
email account for the transaction of government business.”

 Why the Hillary Clinton email revelations are a significant problem

Within hours of the news that Hillary Clinton had used her personal email
account to conduct government business while serving as US secretary of
state, her extensive network of supporters launched a damage-limitation

 “Correct the Record”, a rapid rebuttal unit set up by the Super Pac
American Bridge to protect Clinton and other prominent Democratic
candidates from rightwing attacks in the 2016 election cycle, put out a
statement that sought to dilute the revelation. Clinton had voluntarily
handed over 55,000 pages of her emails, the statement said, and had
“followed State Department precedent with regard to the use of email”.

 House committee subpoenas e-mails from Clinton’s personal account

A House investigative committee issued subpoenas late Wednesday afternoon
to the State Department, seeking a deeper look into former secretary of
state Hillary Rodham Clinton’s nearly exclusive use of personal e-mails to
do her official business during her tenure, the committee confirmed

 Hillary Clinton's Personal Email Use Differed From Other Top Officials

Hillary Clinton's exclusive use of a non-government email account to send
messages to her staff during her time as Secretary of State is a break from
what other top officials have done, raising concerns from both Democrats
and Republicans about the propriety of the practice.

 Aides to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former President
George W. Bush said neither official routinely sent e-mails to staffers
while they held those posts. Rice "did not use her personal e-mail for
official communication as Secretary" and instead exclusively used her State
Department account, according to a top aide who did not want to be quoted

 White House says Clinton did not heed e-mail policy

Former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton appears to have operated
in violation of what the White House said Tuesday was “very specific
guidance” that members of the Obama administration use government e-mail
accounts to carry out official business.

 Clinton did not have a government account at the State Department but
instead used her personal e-mail account. That was permissible only if all
e-mails relating to government business were turned over and archived by
the State Department, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said at his
daily briefing.

 Using Private Email, Hillary Clinton Thwarted Record Requests

WASHINGTON — In 2012, congressional investigators asked the State
Department for a wide range of documents related to the attack on the
United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. The department
eventually responded, furnishing House committees with thousands of

 But it turns out that that was not everything.

 The State Department had not searched the email account of former
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton because she had maintained a
private account, which shielded it from such searches, department officials
acknowledged on Tuesday.

 Revealed: Clinton’s office was warned over private email use

State Department technology experts expressed security concerns that
then–Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was using a private email service
rather than the government’s fortified and monitored system, but those
fears fell on deaf ears, a current employee on the department’s
cybersecurity team told Al Jazeera America on Tuesday.

 The employee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of losing
his job, said it was well known that Clinton’s emails were at greater risk
of being hacked, intercepted or monitored, but the warnings were ignored.

Peter Kurilecz CRM CA IGP
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Dallas, Texas
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