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Todd Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Records Management Program <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Nov 2011 17:32:59 -0400
text/plain (27 lines)
Many of the records we create need to be retained for the life of the pipeline 
which in many instances can be between 75-100 years. We are implementing 
processes to limit the amount of paper created during the project phase, but 
aren’t close to being paperless at this time. With that said, I have been 
looking at the best way to ensure paper records stored for 75-plus years 
remain legible throughout their lifecycle. My question is concerning the use of 
acid free, lignin-free storage cartons. Are there any studies showing how 
much the integrity of a record is lengthened through the use of these 
compared to those cartons that don't contain these qualities?

Ultimately, I want to find out if the acid and lignin-free cartons are worth the 
extra investment over the life of these documents. 

Any guidance is appreciated.


Todd Johnson, CRM, ERMm
Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline
Manager – Records & Information Management
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