On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 07:21:31 -0600, Scott, Paul (FPM)
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>It's unusual to catch Peter in an error or fact so I try to make the most
>it when I can--especially when he provides the link showing he's wrong.
>The exchange actually took place in 1974, not 2000, and it was on the
>campaign trail--not on the Senate floor.

Good catch! Paul

I shall blame my error on a misremembering of what was written on the
snopes website.

I read the article and do remember seeing that it occurred on the 1974
campaign trail, but when typing the posting out came the 2000 date which
was when snopes collected it from the internet.

>And I wouldn't get too excited about the allegation that Metzenbaum
>represented the Communist Party during World War II.  Brigadier General
>Evans Carlson, one of the great Devil Dogs of all time, campaigned with Mao
>Tse Tung's 8th Route Army and introduced to the Corps the term "Gung Ho."

excellent point. Carlson was a very interesting fellow and the founder of
Carlson's Raiders. Speaking of which a number of mine in Houston was a
member of that unit.

now back to work


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