
My employer's accepatble use policy (Internet and E-mail) includes a
statement that, "Pin-to-pin messages are permitted only under conditions
when normal e-mail communications are unavailable."  This way all messages
a captured by our e-mail retention system.  This would be a major
situation, as it would have to take out the main data center as well as
back ups before IT would flip the swicth!

IM is block in all of our systems, and our PCs and laptops are not imaged
with those services.  This is due to two factors.  One - We do not have a
method in place to capture the records that may be created through the
communications. Two - security vulnerabilities IM systems create.  If you
show a true and verified business need to the information security
committee, on which I sit along with IT, HR, might be able to
have IM added to your system.  So far no requests that I know of.


On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 14:36:21 -0500, Gervais, John <John.Gervais@CCRA-
ADRC.GC.CA> wrote:

>I have a question for you with regards to "pin-to-pin messaging".  This is
>in regards to hand held mobile devices such as pda's, blackberry's etc.
>"Pin-to-Pin" messaging, from what I have gathered, uses encryption methods
>for transmitting and receiving data.  A Blackberry for example, would have
>its own unique "pin code" when communicating.  Does anyone have any
>information on security or IM concerns with using these devices?  One
>example would be unauthorised access or loss of mission critical
>information.  This technology and tools are being used more frequently
>days.  Thank you.
>John A. Gervais
>Program Manager
>Policy and Standards Section
>Information Policy and Governance Division
>Intergovernmental and International Affairs Directorate
>Policy and Planning Branch
>Canada Revenue Agency
>25 Nicolas Street, 16th Floor
>Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0L5
>' 1-613-688-9302
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