Part of research is the joy of discovery. The internet opens doors and
offers something about anything newsy right at your fingertips. Be creative
- learn about web search engines. Peter very obviously has learned by doing,
as have the rest of us. (Thank you Peter - you are the best!)

My latest endeavor has been to learn more about PIN-to-PIN communications
specifically as it pertains to RIM's Blackberry. One thing has lead to
another and I now find myself immersed in a discussion with our own tech
folks and Cingular to ensure that our 3-DES encryption key is unique to us
and not the factory issued key (which is the same for all Blackberries but
simple to change).

Rock on!

Sharon Burnett
Seattle Washington USA

"Hey, I'm not a lawyer and I do not play one on TV. The opinions herein
expressed are mine and mine alone. Do not forward or cross post this message
without my express permission."

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