
That would depend on the circumstances.

If they lost your full backup all subsequent incrementals would be useless.

You would then have to fallback to the previous full backup and roll
forward with the older incrementals.

In your case, I am not sure what "longer term basis" means but if that
means weekly you could lose a week worth of data if you lost a single
shipment. Most enterprises would find this unacceptable.


On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 11:05:58 -0500, Roach, Bill J. <[log in to unmask]>

>>>It is not uncommon at all to only send DR tapes to a single
>source...Keep in mind that some enterprises literally send thousands of
>tapes offsite per day, to replicate this to allow for errors by the
>offsite provider is not an option.<<
>I think the point was missed.  Backups are not a one time occurrence.
>They happen on a regularly scheduled basis.  We make incremental backups
>daily with full backups on a longer term basis.
>IM did not say they lost all of the backup tapes for an organization,
>they lost a single shipment.  Big difference.
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