"If I was on the outside looking in, I would say, figure it out, that is why
this organization hired a Records Manager.
Most organizations here have found a way to comply with other records, this
one is only a new verse to an old song.  So we get together a team of RM
professionals, IT guru's, legal experts and together bust our proverbial
butt's until we come up with a workable solution.
On the bright side, we will get about a years relaxation before someone
decides to start it all over again.
Isn't this about the best job in the world."

I feel like there is a blues song in all of this... dah, da,da, da-da
I'm a records manager
Retention's my name
Solutions my game
dah, da, da, da-da

And basically my post was sent out of blues and frustration. Yes, we have
all of the above mentioned experts banging their heads together. And I am
leading the pack. We will develop a solution albeit not the most graceful
one, but it will serve the purpose. Sometimes I think that the private
sector has too many choices. Thankfully do nothing is not one of them.


Sharon Burnett
Seattle Washington USA

"Hey, I'm not a lawyer and I do not play one on TV. The opinions herein
expressed are mine and mine alone. Do not forward or cross post this message
without my express permission."

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