Where are the Profs when you need them?
It really sounds like a personnel action situation to me. The question might 

What training was provided to staff?
why was the training so universally inadequate?
What are they doing to make the training more comprehensive?
What are they doing to "dumb" down the training so staff can understand it?

If the training is poorly conducted,

What trianing staff will be retreained?
What trining staff will be dismissed?
What training staff will be disciplined?

If the training is comprehensive and adequate,

what staff will be subject to retraining?
Which staff will be dsciplined?
Which staff will be dismissed?

Since it would be a personnel action it would not be subject to deisclosure, 
except in the most general terms (IMHO).

This seems to be the type of thing that happens when policy is legislated. 
Folks seek to comply with the "letter of the law" rather than comply with 
the policy.

Chris Flynn

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