Many factors come into play when weighing whether or not we can go back to
school. Take Edward Sumcad, for example. With a family and a full-time job
as Los Angeles County’s first records manager, online delivery topped his
criteria when researching master’s degree programs.
“I chose San Jose State because it’s a fully online program. I don’t have a
lot of time to go to class every day, so it just makes that easier. I have
two kids, and I want be able to spend more time with them but have the
flexibility to work and study during the times when they’re asleep,” he
More than just convenience and flexibility, Edward also needed a program
that would put him in the thick of new technology and give him the skills
and knowledge to establish an archives and records management system.
Does Edward’s story sound familiar? Watch his short video
and learn how our Master of Archives and Records Administration
<> online program
has helped him achieve his career goals.
For more information, please visit or email us
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Nicole Purviance
School of Information
San Jose State University
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