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Records Management


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Christopher Ferry <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Jul 2018 13:05:55 -0400
text/plain (52 lines)

In my position in the US EPA (where I am a contractor) we use the term
"records custodian". The business unit is the custodian of the record until
it is transferred to the custodianship of the Records Center. The custodian
is the group responsible for the management of the record - once the
business unit transfers a record to the Records Center, they no longer have
to worry about maintaining a clean record copy or destroying the record if
it is past its retention.

We've always seen ownership as applying at a larger level. In our case the
agency (US EPA) "owns" the records, not specific regions, business units,
sections, or staff members.

I hope this helps.

Christopher Ferry, CRM
Boston, MA

On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 12:25 PM Jeff Mondon <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Good morning. By way of introduction, I’m Jeff Mondon with PG&E in
> Northern California and this is my first post. I’ve been following this
> group for more than four years and deriving great benefit from the
> camaraderie and content. Thank you.
> So, to my issue:  Does anyone have a policy/procedure or know of a good
> source that would help our business unit personnel understand their
> responsibilities around records ownership?  We have encountered some
> misconceptions about the distinction between records management and records
> ownership.  Drawing upon peers in the RIM/IG industry might help to lend
> more credibility to our efforts.  Thanks in advance.
> Jeff Mondon, CRM, IGP
> [log in to unmask]
> San Francisco, CA
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